Saturday, August 6, 2011

Fiestaware musings. . .

I was in an antique store and started talking Fiestaware with the owner.  Her eyes lit up as she described how her mother would take them at Christmas to the store in Knoxville that carried Fiestaware dishes.  They would pick out one new color each year.  She went on to tell me about how much fun they would have arranging place settings at the 4H fairs, using all the different colors.  When she finished talking, we grinned at each other, knowing that we both are part of the Fiestaware fan club for life.

As a person who doesn't care much about stuff, I'm a little surprised at how much I enjoy looking at all the pretty plates in my cupboard.  A little bit of beauty, a delightful blend of colors, mixing and matching. . . an occasional visit to a garage sale or  ebay to add one more color. . .

My children are bemused by this hobby, Jerry is perplexed. . . but my niece is starting a set, my nephew has a set, and Maria is gladly taking the latest set of 8 Fiestaware plates I found at a garage sale.   Gotta love it :)

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